Category Organizing Information

honey comb

A Symbiotic Relationship: Information Architecture and the Semantic Web

Linked open data technology and the Semantic Web open up new opportunities for information architects in the connection, management and publishing of information. Information Architects, in turn, can help to make resources published through the Semantic Web more user friendly. Traditionally, locating and querying information within the Semantic Web has been difficult for general web […]

Yearbook Photo, 1980

Building a Digital Archive

Digital Archives are easier to create than ever before, utilizing content management systems such as Omeka, Drupal, Collective Access or even WordPress, libraries and institutions can share and organize their collections through the web. Digital archives can turn  300 years of chowder recipes into a resource that historians can utilize to analyze regional cuisines, or a media preservation […]

Library Map

You are here: Rethinking the Library Map

The library map is one of my most used tools at the Reference Desk. Prospective students and their families take copies as they pass through on tour, students and professors utilizing the library from other schools use it to find their way around, freshman locate quiet spaces to study and almost every student who comes […]

Making E-Books Visible

The small-to-medium sized undergraduate library I work for has been making the move to e-books. New orders are generally purchased as e-books, older volumes are avoiding the bindery, and lost titles are replaced with e-books. E-books in general, and specifically order-on-demand, have allowed the library’s collection to grow and stretch in new ways: additions to […]

The New York Times Linked Open Data APIs: All the News That’s Fit to printf()

Continuing the legacy of the New York Times Index, which stretches back nearly to the founding of the newspaper, The New York Times and The New York Times Company Research & Development Lab have adopted Linked Open Data to maintain and share the newspaper’s extensive holdings. The New York Times’ suite of Linked Open Data […]

Michigan and Pennsylvania Relief Association. Ladies ministering to the wounded and sick soldiers.

Civil War Data 150: Unfinished Dreams

Civil War Data 150 headed by Jon Voss, initially began as a partnership between The Archives of Michigan, The Internet Archive and Freebase. Later, the project added two additional partners: The University of Richmond and HistoryPin – Voss’s newest project. Civil War Data 150 (CWD150) was created to celebrate the sesquicentennial of the American Civil […]

Library of Congress Linked Data Services: Minting Authoritative URIs

As part of an initiative to drive American libraries and scholarly institutions towards sharing data more openly, the Library of Congress has embarked on a Bibliographic Framework Plan. This plan will encourage libraries as well as the Library of Congress itself to slowly transition from MARC records towards RDA and Linked Open Data. Since 2009, […]

Preserving Digital Data

Around 90-95% of all of the digital data produced in public science becomes lost overtime due to a lack of standardized archiving practices in the scientific community. There are many different contributions to this staggering figure, most elementary is the absence of best-practices for archivists and institutions when concerning the preservation of scientific data. Purely […]