Monthly Archives: August 2013

Yearbook Photo, 1980

Building a Digital Archive

Digital Archives are easier to create than ever before, utilizing content management systems such as Omeka, Drupal, Collective Access or even WordPress, libraries and institutions can share and organize their collections through the web. Digital archives can turn  300 years of chowder recipes into a resource that historians can utilize to analyze regional cuisines, or a media preservation […]

Introducing: The Illustrated Library

The Illustrated Library: Daily (or somewhat regular) creative commons illustrations of library stuff. Individuals and academic institutions are welcome to use illustrations on (non-commercial) websites and print materials with attribution.

cartoon ipad

iPads in the Library: Pilot Study and Promotion

Rumors of an iPad pilot study for the library began circulating back in October. Two weeks ago — after months of negotiations, careful planning and adjustments — a bank of 20 iPads were delivered to the library.  Cataloged and all dressed up in matching protective cases, the iPads are now available and awaiting the return […]