Tag Archives: federal government shut down

Accessing Government Data and Statistics During the Shutdown

Many government funded information sources have been affected by the Federal Government Shutdown, however there are still a few ways to access government information online during the shutdown. Bulk Census Data Downloads: http://census.ire.org/data/bulkdata.html Census Reporter: http://beta.censusreporter.org/ IRS Tax Statistics: http://www.irs.gov/uac/Tax-Stats-2 USA.gov: http://www.usa.gov/ Available without updates: PACER: http://www.pacer.gov/ & RECAP the law: http://archive.recapthelaw.org/ FDsys limited updating of Congressional Materials and documents necessary to […]

Libraries, Databases and Information Sources affected by the Federal Government Shutdown

The Federal Government Shutdown has affected the following institutions. These are institutions that serve the American people and citizens of the world by connecting people to valuable information and resources. I will update this list as more websites and institutions are forced to shutdown due to a lack of funding. Please feel free to comment […]